• Prayer for Widows

    Lord of lords, King of kings, great and mighty and awesome God.   Move us with Your heart. Teach us to love and pray with Your compassion.   Jesus you love the widows so much; Your Word says that you execute justice for them, protect them, uphold them and severely punish anyone who would cheat them.   Forgive us when we develop blind spots for widows and thoughtlessly treat them as if they are invisible or leave them feeling irrelevant or stupid. Convict them when we sting them with our impatience. How stupid and wicked and ungrateful we are.   This angers You and Your word calls us into account. …

  • Prayer for Children

    My heart rejoices in our Mighty God who came into the world as a holy child.   How wonderful is Your workmanship!   You made all the delicate, inner parts of the child as You knit each one in her mother’s womb before she was born. Every day of his life was recorded in your book – even if those days turned into only hours, minutes, time much too short for us on earth.   How precious are Your thoughts toward each child!     How clearly You made Your will known that        -no one should should hinder any little one from coming to you      …

  • Prayer for Ukraine

    Lord, thank you that You are Sovereign over the nations. “All the ends of the earth shall rememberand turn to the LORD And all the families of the nationsshall worship before you.For Kingship belongs to the LORDand he rules over the nations.” We pray for Your Kingdom to come in Ukraine. Lord, Adonai, please intervene and end this war quickly and turn back this tide of evil Hear the cry of the children and mothers, of separated families, of those waiting. Waiting to hear word, waiting to bury the dead, waiting to board a train or a van, waiting for help. Lord God, our mighty warrior, raise up Your army,…